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Thank you! for visiting our casket gallery of Quality Cremation Urns and Funeral Urns. Simply click on a category below to view the Price, Picture, and Description for one of our fine merchandise selections!

Urn Categories


$99 Dlrs or Less Urns Urn
$99 Dlrs or Less Urns
199 Dlrs and Less Urns Urn
199 Dlrs and Less Urns
299 Dlrs and Less Urns Urn
299 Dlrs and Less Urns

399 Dlrs and Less Urns Urn
399 Dlrs and Less Urns
AAA Plus Urn Specials Urn
AAA Plus Urn Specials
Angel Urns Urn
Angel Urns

Biodegradable Urns Urn
Biodegradable Urns
Brass Urns Urn
Brass Urns
Bronze - Book Urns Urn
Bronze - Book Urns

Bronze Urns Urn
Bronze Urns
Bronze Urns - ART Urn
Bronze Urns - ART
Bronze-Lasting Memories Urns Urn
Bronze-Lasting Memories Urns

Ceramic and Glass Urns Urn
Ceramic and Glass Urns
Child Urns Urn
Child Urns
Clock Urns Urn
Clock Urns

Cloisonne Urns Urn
Cloisonne Urns
Companion Urns Urn
Companion Urns
Flag Cases Urn
Flag Cases

In Memory Of Urn
In Memory Of
Infant Urns Urn
Infant Urns
Jewelry Urns Urn
Jewelry Urns

Keepsake Urns Urn
Keepsake Urns
MADE in the USA Urn
MADE in the USA
Military Urns Urn
Military Urns

Natural Stone Urns Urn
Natural Stone Urns
Pet - 1st Read this Info Urn
Pet - 1st Read this Info
Pet - Cat Figurine Urn
Pet - Cat Figurine

Pet - Dog Figurine Urn
Pet - Dog Figurine
Pet Casket - Build It Urn
Pet Casket - Build It
Pet Urns Urn
Pet Urns

Religious Urns Urn
Religious Urns
Unique or Unusual Urns Urn
Unique or Unusual Urns
Urn Vaults Urn
Urn Vaults

Wood Urns Urn
Wood Urns

"Click On Any Picture For More Detail!!!"

Clock Urns
Ambassador Clock Urn
Urn image of =Clock Urns
Handcrafted 3 Dimensional Art urn with a variety of exotic hardwood inlays. Available in either OAK or Walnut.

Size is 10 1/2" X 5 1/2" X 15"high. Perfect as a fine clockworks for anywhere in your home or office, along with a "life style" represenation of an outdoors lover and/or hunting lover. Your choice for the 3D artwork of either an ELK, DEER or MOOSE figure. The artwork is completely handmade with different, natural colored woods.

For personalized, laser cut engraving on the backside, you can have 4 lines for just $59.00 extra. For two sets of engraving on the Companion - just $99.99

Please specify on your order the:
A. Type of wood - Oak or Walnut
B. Type of figure - Elk, Deer or Moose
C. Engraving - Yes or No - if yes, please send information for the 4 lines allowed. Extra lines and/or writing by quote only.

Standard shipping included in the price. Overnight or 2-3 day available for an extra charge. (Product Code TLU28) $499.99
Astoria Clock Urn
Urn image of =Clock Urns
Handcrafted 3 Dimensional Art urn using a variety of exotic hardwood inlays. Available in either OAK or WALNUT. Allows a full adult size set of cremains, not a keepsake.

Available is a number of choices for a symbol of love and memory of the deceased. Shown is the HUMMINGBIRD. Also there is a BUTTERFLY with flowers, GOLFER in motion with green, MOTHERS LOVE - a beautiful carved horse with a young filly, Two DOLPHINS with 2 little ones, "breaching" WHALE with her calf, Sea Coast LIGHTHOUSE, and SAIL BOAT on the lake.

Size is 10 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 14" High. Fine clock suitable for your home or office and room for the full set of adult cremains. Easy placement and secure.

For personalized, laser cut engraving on the backside, you can have 4 lines for just $59.00 extra.

When ordering, please specify what:
A. Type of wood - Oak or Walnut
B. Type of "life symbol" - Hummingbird, Butterfly, Golfer, Mothers Love, Dolphins, Whales, Lighthouse or Sail Boat.
C. Engraving - Yes or No - if yes, please send information for the 4 lines allowed. Extra lettering/writing by price quote only.

Standard shipping included in the price. Overnight or 2-3 day shipping available for an extra charge. (Product Code TLU29) $499.99

NOTE: All urns shipped anywhere in the USA for $15 standard shipping. Overnight shipping available - call for quote. Prices subject to change without notice.

Casket Gallery Showrooms has literally 100's more urn selections available. Simply contact one of our consultants to discuss a style you are interested in. We have artisians who can custom make any bronze, wood, ceramic, or Garden Art urn or memorial you may be interested in. What are your wishes?

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